Termix News  — 3 min read

How does packaging influence the sales?

Termix News  — 3 min read

How does packaging influence the sales?

You might have heard it several times, and you might now slightly change your mind about it… “Never judge a book by its cover”, said the tradition. But did you know that we actually all do? It only takes a buyer about 2,5 seconds to make his purchase decision, based on… The cover! This is where packaging intervenes, being the major asset in direct selling to consumer. As every detail truly matters, we will tell you more about how packaging influences sales.

Difference, attraction, decision: that’s Packaging

Packaging doesn’t only mean wrapping a product. It’s actually the first contact a potential consumer will have with a product. A mix of visual information that should immediately attract his eye, invite him to look and decide him to buy. And all the way in only 2,5 seconds.

A good match of colours, a strong name, the right typography… Packaging involves all these small elements that convert a product into an attraction, and a specific one. It’s the first thing that differentiates it from other products in the consumer’s subconscient. Right when the consumer is about to buy, just before he’s made his mind on the exact what, this is when packaging makes all the difference.

So, the design really does matter. Hence, 51% of consumers claim that a good packaging, with a stylized design, gives an impression of superior quality and outclasses any product. This doesn’t only implies the colours but also the information it passes on. Acting as a perfume or an inconscient waving hand, packaging mirrors the brand’s spirit and quality, introducing itself to the consumer’s sensations.

kit barber packaging ventas

Fine, but does it really affect the sales?

Of course, it can’t all be about being different. Adapting to the consumer’s profile is of great value as well, so that he can identify with the idea of the brand or the product, in a glimpse.

As for the Termix Official Barber Line, for instance, it’s been developing through various main inputs. Based on the barber universe and its obvious Rockabilly and Old School orientation, the Barber Kit emerged using a more industrial touch that drew beard lovers to it. How ? In a very competitive sector, building an image on a metallic box and mix it with the emblematic barber coloured stripes is a way to easily identify oneself to the product while arousing one’s curiosity with a modern touch.

As 85% of consumers admit that on-site elements influenced their purchasing decision much more efficiently than any outside marketing or communication, packaging must not only be well designed but also thought as to create a need to buy. This is why Termix constantly improves the care for its packaging, casting aside the traditional paper box, for metallic packs with a serious, multifunctional and strong design.

kit barber packaging ventas

Termix’ packaging homogeneously fit any kind of professional decoration, and catch the eye. One of the latest innovation in that matter is the new Barber display unit : compact, elegant and easy to display, to conveniently present the Official Barber line with a creative and catchy note.

What about the online world?

As a great part of the sales are now virtual, the online consumer goes through another purchasing process. There, the packaging matters too but must be very catchy so that it can be caught in a glance, or more accurately, in a scroll.