Hair advices – 3 min read
It’s easy to tackle dry medium hair when you know how to!
(6 flawless tips)
Extreme temperatures, very hot water or too much heat from hairdryer and irons, too many hair colorings… There are so many reasons why your hair can get dry. Your major enemy: dehydration. With time, your hair might get rough and lifeless… But no worries, for we have 6 incredible tips for flawless hair cures.
Let’s get to it!
Medium hair type has a natural tendency to dryness
Before we get started, you should know something about medium hair: it has a natural tendency to dryness, it’s basically rooted in its structure. It gets brittle, doesn’t shine anymore and ruffles to the touch. To eradicate this porous excess, you’ll have to give your hair back its natural moisture, following our special tips:
Tips for dry hair
1. Don’t wash hair everyday
We’re dealing here with porous, oily hair which easily loses its natural sebum protection that normally provides its fabulous gleam. By showering it, you wash off this slim protective layer and embrittle your hair. If you really have to wash it more frequently than normal (emergencies can happen), leave aside your shampoo, simply moisten your hair and lay on a conditioner in the ends. You’ll notice the change!
2. Use naturally greasy products for a cured, healthy hair
Argan or coconut oil are very greasy natural elements that you must not be afraid of. They will help your hair getting back its usual glow by surrounding it with a new protection film. This would be a strong hydrating treatment, invigorating your hair while preserving it from high temperatures and external aggression.
3. There are specific tools for your unique type of hair
Medium hair needs constant attention, for it gets dehydrated faster. Our best shot here is to use the right professional tools especially designed for medium hair. The Termix Evolution Basic brush is just right for your hair needs, with its diamond-shaped perforations, it helps reduce the accumulation of heat when using a hairdryer. By going faster on this step, the hair doesn’t suffer from dehydration. In addition to that, this brush is made of soft but strong fibers that will perfectly and durably shape your hair.
4. Control the heat on your hair
As we mentioned before, medium hair’s worst enemy is extreme heat exposure. We must always use our drying tools with caution. When using an iron, always chose a modern one with a temperature regulator, so that you can control and select the right heat for your hair. With medium hair, you mustn’t go up to 180ºC. Same advice with a hairdryer, which you should always use with medium heat only. Heating it at maximum won’t spare you time, and it will actually burn and increase dehydration of your hair.
5. Untangle your hair before washing
Wet or moist hair is much more fragile. So, better untangle it before you shower it as it will already be knot-free when wet.
6. Try and avoid alcohol-based products
Concoctions such as hair colours can be quite aggressive to the hair, as they absorb and multiply the effects of sun rays and thus weakening the hair. Medium hair lives stronger when left natural and without hair fixation (or by using alcohol-free products). A Termix tip to by-pass those products: during a traditional brushing, try and shoot some slight cold hair blows at the roots or at the part you want to shape. It will mold your hair into the shape you want, and last longer.
Now you’ve got all you need for a perfectly sane and well-hydrated hair!
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