Termix business — 2 min. reading
Termix positive growth results in Spain’s newspaper
“Termix travels around the world with its hairbrushes”. In its economy section, last 19th of March, the Spanish newspaper ‘La Vanguardia’ titles like this its article dedicated to Termix and its expansion since its foundation in 1997 by Joan Carles Márquez and Josep Maria Bernat.
Termix reinforce its worlwide presence due to the quality of its hairbrushes
“In a sector dominated by the manufacture in China, we play in another league. Termix means quality and professionals know it”, is one of statements that the article reveals as part of the success of the brand around the world.
La Vanguardia also gathers important figures of the company such as its important presence around the world in 88 countries –double of 5 years ago- or that Termix holds 5 patents in products such as its thermal brushes o its beard hairbrush. “Global expansion is at the heart of Termix’s growth strategy. In Spain we are already the leading brand, but our efforts and strategy are focused on opening to new countries and consolidate our presence in Eastern Europe and South America. That is our goal for the coming years”, highlight its founders.
Termix has 250 references and much of its success is due to the development and renewal of its products, very valued by professionals.
It is the second time this newspaper dedicates an important talk about Termix and its positive business trend.
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