Looks — 3 min read
New year, new beard: these are the beard trends for 2018
Many hairstylists and designers predicted the end of beards for 2018. The lumbersexual bearded man seemed to be nearly vanished as time went by. But… it was only a prediction. Beards again will be back in 2018, but changing the messy style for one more sophisticated and smarter. Check the trendiest beard styles for men in 2018 that the barber Andrea Escarcha reveals together with Termix. Remember, new year…new beard!

With the barbershop’s boom, beards have become the most popular male complement. Beyond being socially considered as a synonym of maturity and respect, beards are constantly evolving, keeping straightly attached to fashion challenges. Barber Andrea Escarcha explains how to update our shiny beards. So, in 2018 we will leave behind the messy hipster beards to transform them into a smarter, outlined and accurate beards. In order to follow this new style, beard grooming becomes something indispensable.

Our barber woman sums up it very well: “the beard can cover up and balance the face shape acting as the makeup for women”, because even if beards have lost length, they conserve the attractive that made them famous. Therefore, beard grooming is being reinvented, integrating a shorter beard and losing volume, but in combination with long moustaches or Rockabilly sideburns. And a novelty is to use specific products for beard’s care as moisturizing gels or perfumes, in order to boost the polished effect of this new beard.

Keep your beard always perfect
The next beard hairstyle trend for 2018 is to keep the beard shorter and accurate, decreasing its volume and boosting its shine. So, to maintain it always perfect, apart from visiting a professional barber, the homemade beard grooming is something necessary: “A good barber tool will make this work even easier. The Termix Kit Barber has all what is necessary for beard grooming and men’s haircare”. And not only she recommends this Kit Barber, but she also give us some tips to get the desired beard:
Tip 1: Use different haircut heights
In order to reduce the volume and beard lengths it is important to change the blade’s height, using the 5 available intermedium levels to get the best results. We must adapt the height of the blade to the area where we are working, depending on the quantity of hair. For example, it is recommended to use an inferior height for the sideburns and one higher for the rest of the cheeks, in order to create a perfect fade effect.

Tip 2: Hair clipper’s position
The next advice of Andrea Escarcha is to always use the hair clipper in only one direction: hair-wise. This way, we can give to beard a natural shape while cutting and we will also avoid getting a spiky-beard. But, as every rule, it has an exception. In this case, it is allowed to use the hair clipper on sideburns area antihair-wise, in order to create a Fade effect. And, for better results, use the special brush for fades.
Tip 3: Outline the beard with specific tools
It is important to use specific hairdressing tools to get perfect results. It is strongly recommended to outline the moustache and hair around ears, to use a smaller hair clipper, as the Termix Styling Cut, specially designed for accurate contours.

Tip 4: Moisturize and polish the beard
To maintain our beards always perfect, it is highly recommended to brush the beard regularly. In the case of long beards we can use the Special Brush for Fades of the Termix Official Barber product’s range to avoid tangles and lengthen the beard. But if we prefer to intensify the shine of our beard, we should use the Styling Beard Brush, composed by natural boar fibers which assures you a healthy beard. And to get the best results, use an oil or a moisturizing balsam and… get a totally updated beard for 2018!
Thanks to the advices of our favorite barber woman we could have a healthy and smart beard, joining the 2018 trends. Join the elegance of the perfect beard!
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